1060 Winnipeg Street, Regina, SK | (866) 848-6111 | info@hillmanav.com
© 2025 Hillman Audio Video Inc. All rights reserved. Design by StorySite.
The DDB-BN31 is a complete wall-mounted Dante audio network interface. It features two XLR mic or line inputs, one stereo Mini-jack line input and one stereo Mini-jack line output on the front panels, plus two line outputs on a rear-panel detachable terminal block. Special software is not required to configure the DDB-BN31. Each XLR input provides three switches that may be set from the front of the unit when the cover plate is not installed. One switch enables or disables P48 phantom for that input; the second switch selects the mic or line gain range; the third switch sets the gain. The Mini-jack input provides a switch to configure the input for stereo or summed mono. The Mini-jack output provides a switch to configure the output for stereo or left-channel mono. Each rear-panel output provides a switch to set the output to balanced professional or unbalanced consumer level. The DDB-BN31 fits a standard US dual-gang electrical box or an RDL WB-2 back box for installations in thinner European or equivalent walls. The DDB-BN31 is PoE powered, and is available in multiple finishes with optional customized graphics. The two XLR inputs are each converted to a separate Dante network transmit channel. Three gain settings are switch-selectable for both the mic and line input ranges to match condenser or dynamic mic levels and standard line levels. The Mini-jack left and right inputs are each converted to a separate Dante network transmit channel. Each input provides a network digital audio level of -18 dBFS for an unbalanced -10 dBV input. The input is equipped with a selector to sum the left and right Mini-jack inputs. The summed signal feeds both Dante transmit channels. Two Dante audio channels are converted to unbalanced line level to feed the front-panel Mini-jack. Each channel provides -10 dBV unbalanced for a network digital audio level of -18 dBFS. The left and right Mini-jack channels are normally fed from Dante receive channels 3 and 4 (stereo). The Mini-jack output is equipped with a selector to feed both output channels from Dante receive channel 3 (mono). This selector may be set from the front of the unit when the cover plate is not installed. Two Dante audio channels are converted to balanced line level on the rear-panel detachable terminal block. Each output provides +4 dBu balanced for a network digital audio level of -18 dBFS. Each output is equipped with a selector to unbalance the audio and attenuate the level to -10 dBV.
1060 Winnipeg Street, Regina, SK | (866) 848-6111 | info@hillmanav.com
© 2025 Hillman Audio Video Inc. All rights reserved. Design by StorySite.