Pro AV Catalog
Lencore - G525
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i.Net OP (Operating Platform), Masking Control, RJ45

Model: G525

  • The remote control or i.LON sends information and directions up to each OP within the network for system tuning and modifications.
  • The OP displays information on its integrated LCD screen, including the specific address of the respective enclosure. This address aids in locating the correct OP in the ceiling plenum when checking or modifying the system.
  • The OP checks during a diagnostic test for system performance, including the operation of the network, program, memory, power, and characteristics of sound masking.
  • Each channel on the OP functions independently, and provides four non-coherent random sound sources per OP.
  • Each OP is exactly incoherent from all other OPs
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The heart of the i.Net is the OP (Operating Platform), the primary sound source that produces, equalizes and distributes the sound for masking, music and paging. Each OP includes:

Multiple, random sound masking sources, coupled with Lencore’s technology, produce a sound quality that is random, making it exceptionally comfortable environment.

Independent equalizers for unprecedented tuning where every channel of the system has a separate and independent 1/3rd octave band equalizer or parametric equalizer.

Sound frequencies and contour can be adjusted and set to any point on the acoustical curve, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, making i.Net the first networked sound masking system to make fine-tuning the entire spectrum of sound possible.

The multidrop system and network is intelligent enough to bypass any failure in the system to keep communicating throughout the entire network. Point-to-Point networks can not achieve this level of connectivity and diagnostic control.

  • The remote control or i.LON sends information and directions up to each OP within the network for system tuning and modifications.
  • The OP displays information on its integrated LCD screen, including the specific address of the respective enclosure. This address aids in locating the correct OP in the ceiling plenum when checking or modifying the system.
  • The OP checks during a diagnostic test for system performance, including the operation of the network, program, memory, power, and characteristics of sound masking.
  • Each channel on the OP functions independently, and provides four non-coherent random sound sources per OP.
  • Each OP is exactly incoherent from all other OPs
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