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PALME, Dubai – Christie, a global visual technologies company, is proud to announce that Christie MicroTiles™ has the winning formula once again, as the virtually seamless digital canvas display technology was last night awarded the PALME Middle East Award for Most Innovative New AV Product of the Year.
Christie MicroTiles are no stranger to the limelight having received a dozen awards and distinctions across Europe, Middle East and Africa since the launch of the product into the AV marketplace in February 2010, which acknowledge the truly unique design technologies and forethought of the product and its position as a creative tool.
Awards include Most InAVative Digital Signage Product from the InAVation Technology Awards 2010 and more recently, the Institut Français du Design (French Institute of Design or IFD)'s "Eco-Design" honours – an award which recognises only the most wholly 'Green' products, right from conception all the way through to usage.
Christie MicroTiles are modular display tiles that can be stacked and clustered like building blocks to create display walls of any shape or scale, using an entirely new, advanced optical design that produces unparalleled levels of brightness, contrast and colour reproduction.
The LED- and DLP-based system is designed for long, reliable commercial use in public areas, with no lamps or other consumable parts to replace. The LED light engine, a key component of MicroTiles, is rated at 65,000 hours to half brightness, or nearly 7.5 years of continuous operation.
Recent successes for Christie MicroTiles in the Middle East include the HTC phone launch and the opening of the Armani Hotel, both in Dubai. MicroTiles are also widely recognised by the Broadcast industry and appears in a number of TV Sets including Channel Cuatro in Spain and BFM Business in France.
In awarding this prize, the PALME Middle East panel of judges cited, "the quality, design, power of operation and rich list of features provided by Christie MicroTiles."
1060 Winnipeg Street, Regina, SK | (866) 848-6111 | info@hillmanav.com
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